The Feast of St. Andrew can help you to embrace the gift of hope and set your eyes on heavenly things above. Leave the old behind, as did he, cultivate your heart, and embrace Christ who calls, heals, restores, and confers on men the gift of eternal life.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of The Universe
Jesus Christ the King reminds us that we will be judged by the way we have treated others, for our love or rejection of Christ is based on our love or rejection of his brethren.
Self-Interest vs Self-Abandonment
Jesus reminds us that those who give freely of themselves without expecting anything in return will receive their reward at the resurrection from the dead.
I Have Come to Set Fire On Earth
Jesus reminds us that Christian discipleship demands faithfulness to principles unrecognized and unaccepted by the world; it calls for an uncompromising conviction for the truth deemed unpalatable by secular society and discarded by the “morally enlightened.” Living as a Chrisitan necessarily means experiencing tension, confrontation, and division.
Be Prepared
Jesus lovingly invites us to live according to the high standards of the Christian ideal. Not, rather, according to the confused, directionless and constantly changing winds of contemporary secular culture.