This brief video explains why the Spirit-guided nature of the Church is important—essential, in fact—for accepting the Bible as the inspired word of God.
Catholic Church
Advent Week 1: Giving the Peace of Christ
In the weeks leading up to Christmas, known as the season of Advent, we will give lots of gifts. Gifts to our co-workers, family, friends and even strangers. Giving freely is something God calls us to do and brings us great joy.
The Dogma of The Assumption: Invention or Essential Truth from God?
Did Pope Pius XII invent the dogma of the Assumption or, rather, did he define what God had already revealed to his Church and put into words what the Church had long held as part of her undying belief?
Pray for the Dead
On the Commemoration of All The Faithful Departed, the Church reminds Christians everywhere of the importance of praying for the souls of the dead.
To meditate on the Being of God, on the Truth of the Divine Name, is the true philosophy, the prayer of rightly ordered theology, the science that is reconciled in wisdom, the act of religion that is homage to the Divinity.