What do we know about the devil? A great deal, actually. Satan is a personal, spiritual being whose power of intellect and strength of will far exceeds that of man. We might draw an analogy of this difference between the intellectual powers of a child and those of a full grown, highly educated adult; however, such an analogy falls exceedingly short of articulating the angelic/human gap with any accuracy.
Arianism: Heresy Ancient Yet New
Although most of Jesus’ contemporaries either did not recognize his divinity or rejected it, the demons were well aware of the fact that he was God. Today, we find a similar situation: there’s no shortage of people who are either ignorant of who Jesus is, or reject his divinity outright.
The Dignity of the Worker and Work
Redeemed and restored by the sacred blood of Christ, man is gifted with the task of participating in the creating, redeeming and sanctifying activities of the Creator. One essential way in which man freely engages in this wondrous enterprise is through his work.
Pope Benedict XVI: “Prayer is The Breath of The Soul and of Life”
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI reminds us that our strength originates and flows forth from the fount of prayer. Therefore we must give priority to “God and to our relationship with him in prayer, both as individuals and in the community. If we do not have the capacity to pause and listen to the Lord, to enter into dialogue with him, we risk becoming ineffectually agitated by problems, difficulties and needs.”
The Necessity of the Visible Church and Her Authority
It is to the benefit of all Christians to be concerned with and to live by what is really true. Our non-Catholic and/or Protestant brethren today often continue to adhere to the Bible as the only governing authority and the sole rule of faith. They see no requirement for a visible, structured and hierarchically ordered Church. However, the Word of God says otherwise.