Peter and the Papacy: In today’s gospel, Jesus takes Peter back to that moment in time when, at a charcoal fire, he denied him three times. But now, before this new charcoal fire, things are very different.
Root Problem: A Failure to Understand What it Means to be Human
It is no surprise that American secularists display a high level of disdain for Catholicism, since, whether they admit it or not, the Catholic Church represents the antithesis of their futile quest to annihilate truth and religion.
Relativism: The Societal Poison of our Age
Relativism undermines the purpose of the human intellect, which is to seek, find and know the truth, most especially the ultimate Truth: God. Consequently, it is not only an affront to human dignity but also damages individuals and society, working to prevent people from attaining their destiny in eternal communion with God.
The Eye-of-the-Needle Passage: It Isn’t Just About Money
The whole eye-of-the-needle message isn’t just for people with big balance sheets and vacation houses. All of us can do with at least some shifting in priorities in our lives.
The Feast of Sts. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael Remind Us of God’s Gift of Our Guardian Angels
We are reminded on this Feast Day of the wonderful gift of the Archangels, including our guardian angles, whose unfailing assistance is directed toward one end: serving God’s loving plan of salvation.