In November Colorado voters made a frequently repeated error in moral discernment: they intentionally placed a man who openly supports intrinsic evils into a position of power and influence over others.
Gov. Matt Bevin: School Violence Is Due to Devaluation of Human Life
Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin has become a leading figure in championing respect for human life, dignity, and support of the common good. Given the recent episodes of school violence, Gov. Bevin makes this well-reasoned point: it is naive and delusional to think that adding gun-control laws is itself an adequate solution to these problems.
Justice Anthony Kennedy and His Tyranny of Relativism
Justice Kennedy’s opinions have often reflected a heavy emphasis on the right to personal autonomy and determining one’s own identity, something which he himself has been governed by in dictating unjust and immoral laws from the Supreme Court bench.
Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act Is Defeated
On 29 January 2018, 46 senators—two Republicans, two Independents, and forty-two Democrats—voted against the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R.36), an essential piece of legislation that would have prevented children capable of feeling pain from being aborted in their mothers’ wombs.
America and Abortion: A Divided House
America is a divided house on the issue of legally protecting the lives of unborn children. Unfortunately, although many Americans claim to support life in principle, they’re not pro-life with conviction.