By entering into the Christian school of prayer directed by Mary and promoted by the gift of the Rosary, every Christian is enabled to better know Jesus Christ, the only Son of the sweet Virgin Mother of God.
Sit at The Master’s Feet, as Did Mary, and Choose The Better Part
Sit at the Master’s feet, as did Mary. She chose the better part because she is seated at the feet of Wisdom Incarnate, Jesus Christ, who is not only the source of all truth but is Truth Itself.
Shh! – The Teresian Method of Meditation Takes Time and Effort
Diet, so I’ve heard countless times, is more important than exercise. While we need mental prayer to tone ourselves and strengthen our resolve, we have to feed ourselves a balanced diet of the Word of God and put it into practice, so we absorb and retain all its nutrients.
Begin With Silence As A Doorway To God
Have you recently stopped to think about how many minutes of pure silence you have each day? Your answer to this question might be the key to figuring out some of the current challenges you may be facing in your life.