Although we Catholics are blessed with many truly good, holy and caring priest-shepherds, one of the first things you need to learn as a faithful Catholic is to beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing—and there are more than a few prowling about.
Corruption in the Catholic Church: Let Your Heart Not Be Troubled
Given what’s going on in the Church with the clergy sexual abuse scandal, Cardinal McCarrick, and the mounting evidence of its calculated and ongoing coverup by top Vatican officials, including Pope Francis, it’s easy to be more than simply disappointed.
The Parable of the Talents
The task of participating in Christ’s mission of salvation is not optional. It is one of the reasons you were created. If one should refuse, he may hear those terrifying words: “Throw this useless servant into the darkness outside, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.”
The Ten Virgins and Spiritual Apathy
Our life here below is analogous to the night the virgins spent in awaiting the arrival of the bridegroom. Sooner than expected, it will end and the night will give way to an encounter with the Bridegroom in all his infinite holiness and glory.
The Clergy Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Church: How To Survive It and What To Do About It
The deplorable, criminal actions of some bishops and priests may tempt us to say to Christ, “I’m still your follower but I’ve had enough of the corruption in the Church. I’m leaving.” However, there’s a serious problem with that attitude.