Where does grace come from? Is it a free gift? Or do Catholics believe, as the accusation often goes, that we merit or earn grace through good works?
The Sacraments: Encountering the Mysteries of the Life of Christ
Many non-Catholic Christians today incorrectly believe sacraments to be nothing more than symbols which prompt us to turn our attention in faith toward God, as a sign might remind us of something we should do or a particular path we should take.
Pray for the Dead
On the Commemoration of All The Faithful Departed, the Church reminds Christians everywhere of the importance of praying for the souls of the dead.
I Have Come to Set Fire On Earth
Jesus reminds us that Christian discipleship demands faithfulness to principles unrecognized and unaccepted by the world; it calls for an uncompromising conviction for the truth deemed unpalatable by secular society and discarded by the “morally enlightened.” Living as a Chrisitan necessarily means experiencing tension, confrontation, and division.
Be Prepared
Jesus lovingly invites us to live according to the high standards of the Christian ideal. Not, rather, according to the confused, directionless and constantly changing winds of contemporary secular culture.