We live in a nation where religious freedom is a reality, but are the benefits of this freedom adequately understood? Further, is this freedom used correctly?
Archbishop Raymond Burke: Champion of Truth
Archbishop Raymond Burke noted the “critical” struggle Americans face today in combating the culture of death that is so bent on spreading its agenda to an ever-greater extent.
Are Catholic Politicians In Dissent of Church Teaching Really Catholic?
“Your rejection of the Church’s teaching on abortion falls into a different category – it’s a deliberate and obstinate act of the will; a conscious decision that you’ve re-affirmed on many occasions. Sorry, you can’t chalk it up to an ‘imperfect humanity.'”
Love Calls for Obedience
Kathleen Sebelius was asked the following questions in a Washington post interview . . .
Are Miracles Real?
Atheists normally dismiss miracles. It is not that they’re around and they haven’t seen one; it’s that they’re not around. They don’t exist. . .