Abp. Carlo Maria Viganò released an explosive letter on March 25th that powerfully details the evils perpetrated on humankind under the pretext of the pandemic.
‘Jesus is not God,’ Say Majority of Americans
Jesus is not God but merely a “good moral teacher”? Well … that’s a problem, for many reasons. One of which is the argument CS Lewis made: if Jesus is not Lord, as he claimed to be, then he must be either a liar or a lunatic, which means he can’t be a “good” moral teacher.
Where Are Our Shepherds?
Where are our shepherds? Who’s doing the herding? Newsflash…the political arena has overstepped their authority and we need to stand-up for our rights!
What do Terrorism, Pandemic, and Easter Have in Common?
After the attack on our nation resulting in horrific carnage on September 11, 2001, our churches were filled to capacity. People turned their hearts over to the Lord. But it didn’t last. Will the effects of COVID-19, from a faith perspective, play out in the same way?
COVID-19 Lists: What’s First and Last on Yours?
What kind of stuff is on your COVID-19 list? Is it the right stuff? Did you leave out the most important? Or is it on the list but in last place?