What is the Holy Spirit moving you to do today? God always asks you to step forward, stretch your boundaries, live in a new way and labor to bring others into the kingdom of Christ, as did St. Luke.
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Francis of Assisi, the founder of the Franciscan Order, is perhaps best remembered for the life of sanctity, simplicity, and poverty he deliberately chose as a young man in strong opposition to the wealthy, pampered circumstances in which he was raised. Given the cultural context of today, there’s a great deal we can learn from the way Francis chose to live for God.
St. Jerome, Priest and Doctor
St. Jerome was heavily interested in classical literature and worldly culture as a young man—not a ready-made saint, by any means. He was baptized in Rome at about age twenty. His conversion to Christ eventually set his heart ablaze for not only a thirst for the truth but an ardent zeal for guarding and transmitting it.
Memorial: St. John Chrysostom, Doctor of the Eucharist
Although St. John Chrysostom died in poverty and exile, stricken by hunger and weakness as he fled from his enemies whose hearts and minds were set on his destruction, his own heart and mind were hidden away with God, flooded with the warmth and love of divine and heavenly light, secure in Christ his Savior and Redeemer.
The Kingdom of Heaven: Bringing our lives under the sovereign rule of Christ
“I want to die for that man.” I do not think St. Kolbe primarily had Franciszek Gajowniczek in mind when he uttered those unforgotten words.