Nearly four years ago, on the Solemnity of the Annunciation (March 25th), I made a formal Marian consecration, using 33 Days as a guide. Since then, I’ve reread the book each year, prior to renewing my consecration, and I always find something fresh and new.
Mother of God
The Immaculate Heart of Mary: Gateway to Holiness, Purity and Love
Through devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we are attracted to Mary’s immense love for her Son. This leads us to recognize that her Immaculate Heart is inseparably bound up with the Sacred Heart of Jesus as two hearts of love joined for eternity.
The Dogma of The Assumption: Invention or Essential Truth from God?
Did Pope Pius XII invent the dogma of the Assumption or, rather, did he define what God had already revealed to his Church and put into words what the Church had long held as part of her undying belief?
Words of Wisdom from the Mother of God
Completely confident that her Son will do what she suggests, knowing he would never deny his mother any good thing, Mary turns to the servers and says: “Do whatever he tells you.”
The Virgin Mary: Mother of Christmas
It is Christmas eve. On this night we gaze with anticipation toward Christmas, that day when, about two thousand years ago, our Savior was born of a sweet, humble and sinless Jewish woman: the Virgin Mary, most holy Mother of God.