Given what’s going on in the Church with the clergy sexual abuse scandal, Cardinal McCarrick, and the mounting evidence of its calculated and ongoing coverup by top Vatican officials, including Pope Francis, it’s easy to be more than simply disappointed.
Catholic Church
The Clergy Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Church: How To Survive It and What To Do About It
The deplorable, criminal actions of some bishops and priests may tempt us to say to Christ, “I’m still your follower but I’ve had enough of the corruption in the Church. I’m leaving.” However, there’s a serious problem with that attitude.
The Clerical Abuse Crisis: The Essential Importance of Repentance and Practicing The Virtue of Charity
The Catholic Church is undergoing a trial of faith that seems to put to the fore a tendency by some of its members toward an openness to the spirit of the world, resulting in the virtue of religion’s corruption.
Purification, Judgment, and Hope In The Wake of Sexual Abuse In The Church
This will be a time of judgment and purification for the Church. I firmly believe that good will come of it—although the Church will suffer severe scars for decades. I have no doubt that the sexual abuse crisis will drive countless Catholics from the Church and prevent countless other people from entering into full communion with her. That in itself is cause for great sorrow.
To Whom Shall We Go?
My heart is breaking. Only five minutes ago our son—our number three—rolled out of the driveway, bound for seminary. As moms, our hearts break over and over again throughout the years. It doesn’t help at all that he is entering seminary at one of the worst possible times in the history of the Catholic Church in America.