There once was a little girl named Ella. She worked hard, loved fiercely, and cared for others needs more than her own. She worked until she could work no more and still then some.
Thoughts For Today
Day’s End Bits and Pieces
It struck me that being an insatiable news junkie in an era when news, its sources and veracity are questionable, perhaps, I could put my curiosity to better use. Are we Catholics as interested in Jesus as we are in Hollywood divorces, Trump’s rhetoric, Hillary’s excuses, football players taking a knee, end times predictions, or who’s been picked up for speeding? If not, why not?
Are Miracles Real?
What is a miracle, exactly? A miracle is a singular, unique event in which God acts in a way that suspends the powers of nature or goes beyond what can possibly occur naturally to bring about some good effect.
Fall At The Feet of Jesus
The story of the Call of Simon in Luke 5:1-11 is a beautiful story of obedience to God and the blessings that come from following his plan. It reminds us of the essential nature of self-entrustment to Christ as the path to healing and fulfillment.
For To Him Who Has Will More Be Given
One reason Jesus speaks in parables is because, for people of faith, they reveal the mysteries of God, conveying spiritual, supernatural, and moral meaning; for those lacking faith, parables seem to be little more than children’s stories based on experience of the natural world.